Friday Fictioneers. The Last Train

Clutching the one small valise I had with a change of clothes, stationary, and a few family photos, especially the photo of the only woman I ever loved; the few things I knew could keep me going somehow on my own. I slipped aboard the last train leaving before the Wehrmacht made it impossible to flee. I breathed another prayer my forged papers would pass. Slowly, with the blast of the whistle, the train lurched forward and began the journey toward Switzerland and hope of reaching America. Freedom. Freedom to worship God and be a man, and not a worm.


  1. Dear Susan,

    First, welcome to Friday Fictioneers. I'm happy to see you made it. I felt the tension in this piece and found myself praying his forged papers would get him to safety. Well done...which is what I'd expect.



  2. I can only imagine the terror of those days in Germany. I pray that days like that will not come again.

  3. That sense of hope of a better world to escape too. Very well done.

  4. Great suspense throughout. Welcome to Friday Fictioneers! :-)

  5. Welcome to Friday Fictioneers, Susan!
    What a great first story.

  6. Well done with this tense and dramatic story.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Thank you, everyone for the encouraging feedback. I've always written non fiction blogs, so stepping toe first into fiction is a little daunting when I see how well others write. I enjoyed doing it and plan to keep at it!

  9. That era will never loose it's appeal to those who love to read and write historical fiction. The truth of that time was far more stark and horrendous then any fiction could portray.

  10. A very engaging story, I felt his tension and his sorrow and leaving behind loved ones and country for freedom. Well done!

  11. expertly executed. I felt as if I was privy to the actual scene. Bravo.


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