Friday Fictioneers: "Where Did I Go Wrong?"
All I wanted was a man cave, half a garage. But it was the half with years of things I couldn't part with. I thought I could just call a "got junk" company and have it all hauled away. But then I saw the toolbox. Empty, but still. Then the ball. The magic ball I bought as art when I was 22 and had no idea of art was. Maybe I still don't, but it could stay. Might be worth more than I paid. Shoot, my man cave is shrinking. I think I'll open a cold one and and ponder this. <!-- start InLinkz script --> <div class='InLinkzContainer' id='807913' > <a rel='nofollow' href="" title="click to view in an external page.">An InLinkz Link-up</a></div> <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <!-- end InLinkz script -->