
Showing posts from December, 2018

Friday Fictioneers: "Where Did I Go Wrong?"

All I wanted was a man cave, half a garage. But it was the half with years of things I couldn't part with. I thought I could just call a "got junk" company and have it all hauled away. But then I saw the toolbox. Empty, but still. Then the ball. The magic ball I bought as art when I was 22 and had no idea of art was. Maybe I still don't, but it could stay. Might be worth more than I paid. Shoot, my man cave is shrinking. I think I'll open a cold one and and ponder this. <!-- start InLinkz script --> <div class='InLinkzContainer' id='807913' > <a rel='nofollow' href="" title="click to view in an external page.">An InLinkz Link-up</a></div> <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <!-- end InLinkz script -->

Friday Fictioneers. The Last Train

Clutching the one small valise I had with a change of clothes, stationary, and a few family photos, especially the photo of the only woman I ever loved; the few things I knew could keep me going somehow on my own. I slipped aboard the last train leaving before the Wehrmacht made it impossible to flee. I breathed another prayer my forged papers would pass. Slowly, with the blast of the whistle, the train lurched forward and began the journey toward Switzerland and hope of reaching America. Freedom. Freedom to worship God and be a man, and not a worm. An InLinkz Link-up